Sharing the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Proves Difficult


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  • The countries of Iraq, Turkey, Syria, and Iran share parts of the Tigris and Euphrates river system.
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  • The famous rivers are among the world's most vulnerable waterways.
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  • Water flow has fallen by 40 percent in the past 40 years as the four countries along their lengths seek to use the water for drinking, farming and industry.
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  • Turkey and Iraq use most of the water.
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  • They agree that both countries must cooperate to protect the rivers.
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  • Sixty million people depend on their water.
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  • But political problems and historical issues prevent an agreement.
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  • Recently, the Associated Press (AP) spoke with people in Turkey and Iraq, including top officials and local farmers.
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  • The AP found that Iraq fears a possible 20 percent drop in food production in the coming years while Turkey struggles to balance Iraq's and its own needs.
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  • "I don't see a solution," said former Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi.
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  • He said, "Would Turkey sacrifice its own interests? Especially if that means that by giving more (water) to us, their farmers and people will suffer?"
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  • Turkey has built 19 dams on the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers and plans a total of 22.
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  • They are part of its Southeastern Anatolia Project, known as GAP.
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  • The project aims to develop the southeast, increase agriculture, and produce electricity.
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  • At first, Turkey planned to provide water for 1.8 million hectares of land.
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  • But that amount was reduced to 1.05 million.
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  • Half the reduced goal has been met.
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  • Farmers who receive water from GAP must use modern methods that Turkish officials say use two-thirds less water.
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  • But for Iraqis, every drop of water used for farming or other purposes in Turkey means less for Iraq.
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  • Iraq depends almost entirely for water on the two rivers that come from outside its borders.
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  • In 2014, Iraq's Water Ministry prepared a report that detailed what it called "single truth."
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  • AP reporters have seen the report, which has not been made public.
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  • It said in two years, Iraq's water supply would no longer meet demand.
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  • It warned that by 2035, the lack of water would cause a 20 percent reduction in food production.
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  • The predictions can already be seen in 2022.
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  • Lakes have dried up, crops have failed, and thousands of Iraqis are moving away.
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  • Talks between Turkey and Iraq over many years have still not resulted in a long-term agreement.
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  • Turkey sees itself as the owner of the beginning of the river system.
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  • It considers needs and decides how much to let flow downstream.
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  • But Iraq considers ownership shared and wants a more permanent agreement with defined limits.
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  • Veysel Eroglu represents Turkey on water issues with Iraq.
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  • He told the AP that Turkey cannot accept releasing a fixed amount of water because river flows are unpredictable.
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  • Eroglu said Turkey could agree to setting a ratio release - but only if Syria and Iraq provide detailed information on their water usage.
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  • Turkey also finds it difficult to progress in the water talks because water officials from Iraq often change.
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  • Additionally, Turkey says Iraq must use water effectively.
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  • One Iraqi ambassador said it was "a mistake" that his side once told the Turks that Iraqis knew 70 percent of their water was wasted on ancient farming methods.
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  • This led Turkey to increase its demands for Iraq to reform.
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  • Iraq received an average flow of 625 cubic meters of water per second from the Tigris 10 years ago.
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  • Today, Iraqi water officials say the country gets only 36 percent of that because of less rainfall and a big dam in Turkey.
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  • Ilisu Dam produces electricity, so water must be released downstream.
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  • But how much and when depend on Turkish officials.
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  • They must keep the reservoir water level at 500 meters above sea level to produce electricity.
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  • But they face less predictable water flow into the reservoir.
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  • Turkish officials say that with the dam, they can control the river flow to help Iraq by storing more water during floods and releasing water during dry periods.
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  • But Iraqi officials say they depend on one-time agreements with Turkey which make planning difficult.
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  • "They can cut water, they can release water. We urgently need a water agreement just to satisfy Iraq's minimum requirements," said Hatem Hamid.
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  • He is head of the National Centre for Water Resources Management.
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  • Once Tigris River water reaches the Mosul Dam in Iraq, Hamid decides how much and where it goes in Iraq.
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  • With shortages expected in 2022, Hamid had to make big cuts. Water amounts for agriculture were cut in half.
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  • Those cuts reduced the amount of water entering the marshlands of southern Iraq.
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  • The result was an environmental emergency: Not enough water was entering the marshes to wash away salt from the ocean.
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  • Hamid tried to fix the problem, but the damage was done.
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  • In the Chibayish marshes, dead animals float near the sides of the river, poisoned by the salty water.
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  • Over the past two years, what was once green and full of life in the marshes has died and turned yellow.
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  • Salt from the sea has built up from two years without enough fresh water from the river.
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  • Obeid Hafez, a farmer, once planted more than 1,000 hectares of wheat.
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  • Today, his land in southern Iraq is without life and his sons have gone looking for work in the cities.
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  • "Life has ended here," he said.
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  • I'm Caty Weaver. And I'm Gregory Stachel.